Neopolatin Mastiff

A friend of mine’s mother is moving onto the waterfront soon and the place where she is moving does not allow animals on the premises. She therefore needs to get rid of the dog before she moves, which will be on Sept 1. If all her options run out and she has nowhere for the dog to stay, she is considering having him put down. I certainly don’t want to see that happen so hopefully someone here can give him a good home.

As for the dog itself, he’s a 4ish yr/old neopolotin mastiff, about 160lbs, healthy, and fairly well behaved. He’s really loving towards the family and me but does bark at a lot of people who come to their house. You should come see him in person yourself before making any final judgements, however. I’d take him myself but I have no room and my parents don’t want another dog.


Dam those are awesome dogs! The wife and I almost adopted one from the spca this weekend. Her only problem with it was that it was way too much dog for her to handle on walks. Mastiffs in general are very good dogs and they are actually starting to be pretty rare. Hope he finds a good home.

My god, don’t let her put him down. That’s ridiculous.

He’s amazing. Someone come take him!

This. A person would consider putting a 4 yr old dog down because they’re moving? That pisses me off. Hope he finds a good home.

Do not let them put him down. Get me a contact number asap and I’ll see if my parent will take him. They have like 50 acres he can run on.

Lol I didn’t mean to make her sound heartless. She went to the spca and a few other places and apparently if they take him they will prob end up putting him down because of his size.

Damn, If I was in a slightly better situation I’d take him in a heat beat. these are such good dogs. They’re big, sleepy and awesome. Great apartment dogs if anyone is thinking about it.

I’m really hoping my parents take him.

If time runs out and he needs a temporary place to stay, let me know and I’ll help. Just do not let him get put down. That’s absolutely retarded.

I hate reading threads like this… who picks a place they can’t take their dog to and then just acts like: “sucks to be you dog”

but on a more productive note - as always, pictures sell…

I know a lady looking for a dog like this for her daughter, I’ll let her know.

Updated first post with a few pics

What a handsome boy! These dogs are adorable as puppies…

Too many people. Just this morning the rescue had 8 voicemails, all people ‘moving’ and ‘can’t take their dog’.

I hope this guy finds a good home soon. He’s a handsome boy.

That’s a big dog.

You should take him in, Joe :slight_smile:

How’s he on shots and is he fixed I didn’t see it on first post?

He’s all up to date with shots and is fixed.

One week from today til she moves. This guy needs a home!

Please contact me via PM before she sends him to SPCA or has him put down…I will figure SOMETHING out.

Does he play well with other dogs? What is his behavior like around other dogs? Dominant, submissive, neutral?