Netflix + Xbox = ??????????

Anyone uses netflix on Xbox 360? is it worth it?

I don’t see my self mailing out DVD or Waiting for them.

its $9 a month so it might be worth it, but I heard a rumor that movies that Columbia pictures/Sony produce are not available on the Xbox. Is it true?

What are their selection to new movies?

nerd corner ftw

not a ton of new movies. i like it. its worth it because you can still get the normal “netflix” in the mail.

ya im pretty sure there is another thread about this


My fiance has netflix so I am using it for free and I love it.

But I do not have any television stations at my house at all, so all I watch is movies.

the movie selections for the watch it now is shit though… just my 2 cents

i use it, its worth it, specially if u burn movies, id get it. its 18 something a month for 3 dvds at a time. and the streaming on the xbox is pretty solid never had a problem, if you have a stable inet connection that is…

yeah F it. i like new releases