Netflix bumping rates again

DVD only or streaming only unlimited plans are available for $7.99 each per month, or $15.98 together. For a package that currently costs $9.99.

That sucks. I use it intermittently at this point, I may just nix it.

Wow, this sucks.

We just moved apartments and i’ve been using it a ton lately instead of cable. I actually made the mistake of finally, yes finally watching the lost series. :rolleyes:

That is where I am at. Redbox seems to get movies sooner as well.
I used the streaming on my iphone for waiting in the airport, but not worth it at that price.

I only use streaming, so I don’t mind.

+1. NBD


Or at least, I won’t mind until ISP’s start capping bandwidth in the states. For now it’s all good :smiley:

Can’t stream Maximum Overdrive :frowning:

This was the last straw for me. I barely used it as it is, I only used the streaming and the movie selection sucked. I will use Redbox from now on or just download them.

I have both DVD and streaming. I use the streaming 99.9% of the time. I’m not sure if I will cancel the DVD since it is nice to have both.

with the tools available for automation of downloading HD content theres no point in the service providers anymore. Takes about as much effort to DL as it did to use Netflix’s online services, far more content, and get legit HD releases the day they are available from the distributors - decent bootegs well before, and TV DVR too boot.


I’m pissed about it myself, that’s a huge jump in price. With redbox I’ll drop dvd and just keep streaming.

Good old hollywood greed in action. They had a great thing going with the current streaming contracts. Everyone was getting paid, people were actually paying for content, things were good. Just a few days ago there was a thing on CNN money about how the content provider contracts with netflix were expiring soon and they were expecting a 10 fold increase in their streaming fees. This is just netflix preparing for how much they’re going to have to start paying for their content. Then you’ve got all the different BS exclusives that keep getting negotiated (oh, you want that movie, that’s redbox, this movie is direct tv on demand only, and this other one is time warner on demand only). They’ll drive people back to torrents in no time then cry to congress about how they’re losing money.

Glad I only use the streaming service…I can see them raising it a few bucks but almost doubling it is nuts.

I cared for about 5 minutes.

I dont pay a cable bill, I just use netflix and hulu plus.

how much is hulu plus?


I heard time Warner bought netflix?

never used anything but the streaming so i really dont care, if i can only get 2 dvd’s a month at the cheapest i would rather go to blockbuster and the movie on the day that it is released