Netflix' Big Step - Settop Box & Streaming Service

For those that dont want to watch DL’d movies on their PCs, or via MCE & the like…

Netflix looks to jump ahead of the competition.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - DVD rental company Netflix on Wednesday said it was developing a set-top box with LG Electronics to let subscribers watch movies streamed directly from the Web to their TVs.
Netflix, with about 7 million subscribers, has for quite some time said it was looking to extend its Internet movie delivery feature – which lets subscribers play back about 6,000 films and TV episodes on PCs – to the television.

The leader of online DVD rentals will be entering an increasingly crowded and confusing market when it rolls out the new device via an LG-networked player sometime in the second half of 2008.

Like Netflix’s PC instant viewing feature, the online TV streaming feature would be included in all of its various price plans, generally ranging from $4.99 to about $16.99 a month, at no extra charges. About 90,000 titles are available through the Netflix online mail order service.

Pricing and other specific details of the LG product were not available, but a person with knowledge of the situation said LG would likely embed the receiver into its $799 dual-DVD player, which supports the competing Blu-ray and HD-DVD high-definition DVD formats.

The promise of increased Web video viewing has lured many companies into the sector, including Vudu Inc, which offers a set-top box for $399 that lets consumers buy or rent movies from a selection of about 5,000 titles.

Apple Inc now offers Apple TV, which has failed to gain significant traction, while TiVo is also letting users download TV shows and movies through a partnership with Inc. Wal-Mart Stores Inc late last month canceled its online video download service that enabled purchased videos to be played on PCs.

Various other video download services have also struggled, including CinemaNow and Vongo.

“Internet to the TV is a huge opportunity,” said Netflix Chief Executive Reed Hastings. “We believe streaming is the way to go,” he added.
Hastings said the LG partnership was the first of many such deals for Netflix. “We’d like to see a hundred Netflix-capable boxes,” he said, noting he also was exploring partnerships with makers of Internet-connected game consoles, cable and satellite companies.

Another prominent name in the sector is Movielink, which was backed by several Hollywood studios for five years before eventually being sold last month to Netflix’s key rival, U.S. movie rental chain Blockbuster Inc.
Separately, LG also confirmed that this Sunday it was planning to unveil a wireless set-top box, which would let consumers place the box away from their TVs, and reduce clutter.

Various other video download services have also struggled, including CinemaNow and Vongo.

lol hmmm… I wonder why.

“yes, you pay us $xx.xx for a movie… but you cannot copy it and it’s license to view will run out in 2 weeks. The quality isn’t that bad either”

consumer >:cry: :spunk:< web based movie d/l service

so its like OD on TWC cool

If they could price break the BD/HD players that include this service that would be fantastic.


i hope it works…

I thought you’d be more excited.

i dont want to wait a year, then it be out dated in two… see tivo

i’d imagine this to be a little more future proof, considering its just a streaming service, but with more bandwidth (id assume it’ll offer at least 720p).

Uh, it was in your original quote…

Pricing and other specific details of the LG product were not available, but a person with knowledge of the situation said LG would likely embed the receiver into its $799 dual-DVD player, which supports the competing Blu-ray and HD-DVD high-definition DVD formats.

lol, thats what i get for only reading the first few paragraphs.

no way they’ll be able to stream 480p (DVD) let alone 720,1080p?

H.264 if it’s streamed.

If it’s raw, it will be downloaded first and then viewed.

can’t you do this on Xbox live already?

yea but probably a much smaller library. How many points is it to download a movie from LIVE?

i just want to see the damn IPTV service. If it doesn’t cost much more than a Xbox Live subscription i’ll upgrade my time warner broadband to avoid any lag.

If they can find a way to stream HD movies I would buy one of the receivers in a heartbeat.

But they’d also have to find a way to start streaming new releases because right now it seems like they only stream older movies.