Netflix on your 360

I know this was posted before that it is available, but who has used it?
I just got a wireless car for the 360 and booted up live. (I know it took me a while, sorry, I have had the live card for a year and never hooked it up)
I am interested in hearing about picture quality and content availability. I saw that Sony pulled all of their content from the Xbox feed, but I hear you can get around that with a computer loaded with Vista and a netflix patch.
I might just do the free trail period before signing up for everything but figured I would check to see what your experiences were.

The movie selection sucks…unless you like older classics…

I find a lot of obscure movies but if you’re just into mainstream current movies its not for you…

still sucks IMO. Some day it will be good, just not now.

I’m just pissed they only have the first season of macgyver :frowning:


I watch netflix stuff from my mac which is hooked to my plasma… the quality is not great, but probably as good as any movie from a torrent site (dvd rip).

I use it for documentaries and when I’m really bored…

Picture quality is amazing for the limited HD content they have, assuming you have enough bandwidth to support it. I was toggling back and forth between a CSI episode I had on my DVR, recorded at 1080i from OTA, and the same episode streaming in HD from netflix and could not see a difference.

As already said though, their selection sucks. A few decent TV series, but nothing for blockbuster new release movies. Either they’re having trouble getting the rights or they’re afraid a blockbuster new release would destroy their bandwidth.

its pretty good. as lz said though…the selection is horrible. wish they would offer the same selection for both streaming and sending via mail.

They will eventually…

Movie selection sucks and the test to check your bandwidth is pretty picky IMO.

My download caps at 200KBps and wont let me watch any HD movies. I might get rid of netflix and switch to the blockbuster one so i can get movies in store.

im def close to getting rid of it due to lack of movies.

I really don’t understand… netflix has an insane number of movies… obviously you’re not going to get the newest release to DVD over the web, but I never get close to running out of movies to watch. what’s missing that you guys are not finding beyond unrealisticly new stuff and porn?

I like it. they will port more over to this service soon. watching older movies is fun sometimes… deliverance is a perfect example… skunk you should agree, your dad and brother was in it.

Movies look great but yeah lack of titles blows but hopefully netflix will try to push sony back and carry their movies. Sore loser fggts.

I just watched Apocalypto over the web last week, that’s only like a 2 year old movie… it’s not like they only have shit from the 80s.

Netflix is fine.

Netflix streaming is in its infancy and not really worth a damn yet IMO.

Esp. if you don’t already have XBL and netflix. If you do, then its not going to break anything because you aren’t paying anything extra. Just need a fast connection. Wirelessly I couldn’t get it to stream HD worth poop, I had to hardwire to get it to have sufficient quality, but that is fine IMO.

It just doesn’t have very much content at this point.

does XBL have less content than viewing from a PC/MAC? I never considered that scenario.

No, it has more content because you can stream HD which afaik you can only do on the Xbox at this point, unless I’m behind… which is entirely possible.

I see what you’re saying… what do they consider “HD” to mean when coming from an Xbox? is it 1080p or something? I suspect I’m watching non “HD” DVD quailty stream from my mac.

Its the same. You setup your netflix and xbox together to authroize it as a device. once that is done, you add movies to your instant queue on netflix and you can see the queue on your xbox netflix screen.

you dont have the ability to browse netflix tho from the xbox and watch what you want yet. you need to add it to your instant queue via a computer first.

no there is HD movies on the netflix instant queue for example the Office DVDs that actually stream to your xbox or pc in 720p if your internet can support it. it will stream you a movie in the quality your connection supports wether its below DVD quality or HD