New Addtion To The Arsenal

have money!!

i picked one up at a gun show real cheap, they are everywhere

I want to get out and do some shooting… i have a WWII M-1 Garand and a lot of ammo laying around :smiley:

i have a good friend out here in the sticks that owns a gravel pit, we do alot of shootin come springtime… if theres enoungh ipeople interested i could set up a meet

I won’t be home till spring, but I do love taking out my AR. I just ordered 600 bullets, gotta fire up the press when i get home. Looking to get a new shotgun, so we deff need to assemble the toys and go shooting sometime.

Yah, and they are both yugo rifles.

I am in love.

We do need to arrange a meet this summer.

I have offered, and it still holds true for those that would want to. We have 25 acres, and access to 100 with at nice 100+ yard range, cabin, and facilities to sleep 8 or so, about 2 hours from buffalo. Its a drive, but no one will bother anyone, we have lots of room for shotgun type stuff, and we could roll a keg in and waste a night telling lies. I have 10 years military experiance with advanced firearms handling tactics. We could easily set up a safe, yet fun course for those that would like to try there hand at some “tactical shooting”. I will bring i up later in the year, see who would be on board.

some of my buddies and i are going to do one in the spring because we have land in east otto so there’s 100’s of acres with no one around. the shooting lane even has a 500 foot hill as a backstop.

i provide the land, you guys bring the food?

sorry, not trying to steal thunder, sounds like a great place

I have been looking for something stupid to do with my new AR.

^ same with my AK

I can not wait till the gun shows in april…

I want to get two more siaga’s to convert and this fall I want to get a DPMS LR-308

one of these days i will own an MP5, though id rather have a P90 but they are post ban…