
Just wanted to give you guys a heads up that we’re going to be making a bunch of changes on there for 2011 and for those of you into firearms you should check it out! It’s the first and best ny-based firearms forum and blog :slight_smile: We built the site and we help run it with a team of 4-5 over there. It’s been growing like crazy, so I figured I’d cross post it here.

We do a lot of vbulletin builds for customers so this is a pretty good example!


:tup: joined not to long ago. lots of good info and people.

Cool man! Would be cool to get big like nyspeed or whatever. NY definitely needs help in the 2A department haha

Great for the classifieds section … except everyone lives on in eastern NY.

There are some good guys over there but, a TON of misinformed taticool humpers.


The amount of people who know their shit FAR outweighs the ones who don’t.