New, and ready for the drama!

so yeah, i’m andy, and didnt realize so many ubrf-ers would be on here…

many of you would know me on the barf as “99V6GrandAm”…but since that is no longer my ride, it will no longer be my user name

this is me now, new and improved with my red 1990 nissan 300zx…NA…or at least the title reads non turbo…

what am i saying, it doesnt even run…i have no car right now…dammit

haha whats up sucka.




whats up jaqazz

Welcome, and you still owe me a run.

EDIT: Also… they don’t seem to like drama here, at least judging from the stickies and such…

If you DO want drama, I’d check out different forums, or find it somewhere else…

I actually agree with the rules, and so far… it’s been a cool place…

I hope you enjoy your stay as well.

:wave: we met at u hots before

good to see you stuck with an original idea for the username :tup:


if u need help working on ur z let me know, ive had my z for a few years now. glad to see uve got a z, ur gonna love it. Hit me up with questions


and there he is…hey man.

… and another Z :slight_smile:



whats up? :wave:

there is no drama here we are all free spirits

hello there :wave:

holla. ill get it running…

:tup: :rofl:

:bsflag: nissans never run, they are like DSM’s, except they just never get to move before breaking