New Aston Martin Tarus

so do I

drama is awesome! adds some life to boring threads!

fuck, go check out stuntlife! the mods dont do shit over there!! its great, hate spewing speach, enough to fill anyones inner redneck with warm fuzzy feelings!

watch that tauros be the op’s actualy dd :stuck_out_tongue:

it is. do you like it?


Swat! Came into my house, disrespected me in front of my whole family…because somebody narc’d me out…and you know what?

It was you!

^^^^^ HAHAHAHAHAHA thanks mark. I couldn’t find the post where I did so I’m thankful you found it for us

OMG mark that made me laugh sooo hard LMAO

i agree with you my only problem with ahmed i simmply said just stop talking in the ahmed should be banned thread and the heat will die down then he tells me to stfu like really ahmed that is uncalled for and look when you finally realized to shut up they left you alone they cracked a small joke and you blew up if they said you suck your black white yadda yadda then ok stand your ground but dont yell at me when im just trying to help you so grow up and with time everyone else on here will just dont take shit so serious relax we may just may like you some day.

[QUOTE=240xcsv;448553]If you are mature enough as you claim to be you’d say forget it and be done with it. As I already offered in this thread and I don’t need to quote that.

i believe there was already an offer to pm the creator of this thread and to try and solve your problem off the public boards i suggest you do it then you can have one less guy on your tale and i understand you shouldn`t have to do this with everyone but its a start

you’re behind in the news lol skinny n i r buds now haha :slight_smile: He actually pm’d me past the ‘offer’ lol. Anyways no need to be childish its all good in the hood

we be chillin. and don’t worry my car will have its own build thread as soon as i can go get the goddamn thing.

basically right now my car sucks.

and i’ll be the first to admit it.

but i gots some plans

You mans are weird…

Jesus Christ. There is more drama on this forum due to this dude freaking out than on daytime television.

That being said, fuck man, Ahmed, I have no beef with you but seriously, stop writing so fucking much. It’s tooooooo much. It’s not that I can’t read or that I don’t enjoy to read but has anyone ever told you that you RANT? You just go on and on and on.

Keep it simple, someone says something to you, tell em to fuck off. No need to try to justify yourself, its a waste of time.

End of the day, there is a reason that people are pretty frustrated with you, and it’s not because everyone ELSE is messed up. How can so many people share the same opinion of someone and not have some truth to their reasoning behind it?

I’ll be the first to admit there are way too many sheep in this forum, but when people are forming opinions on other people, I find it hard to believe that they are just following. No one wants to bully, they just want you to RANT less and stop spewing facts that aren’t…well…facts. Your opinion is not God. Your panties get tied in a knot quicker than a 16 year old can get wood.

I got no beef with you…but CHILL. THE. FUCK. OUT. MAN.

Wanna come to Cayuga next Sunday for a SGR Car Control/Development Day? I’m serious. Check it out, PM for details, but please. keep it SHORT! hahahahhaha…

PS: .white240. builds his shit proper man. He is the epitome of function over form…

^ This man speaks wise words.
And Ahmed, you fucking started this. Don’t try to pin it on the OP. No one was twisting your arm to insult him, you did it on your own, just like you always do.

Hey what mental institute let you out Solarian/Anthony? Do you still need help? Take your medications.



Ronnie there wouldn’t be any drama if assholes like solarian didnt’ start beef with me. I mean look at this, he says I made fun of skinny (WTF?!) when he in fact created a thread.

Its like he is trying to repeat shit as much as possible to make it seem legit. I dont need to go back and quote over and over and over again insults and bullshit talk about me. I am not starting random threads or derailing threads/posts, its just that even if i CREATE a thread someone like this moron above me (solarian) will jump in and start talking shit all I do is defend myself and im not just gona tell them fuck off thats just as stupid as keeping quiet. If i kept telling skinny fuck off fuck off fuck off, wouldnt have solved anything.

Im not starting shit these bums are and yes even if its 20 sheep its 20 sheep. Like I said half this shit started due to fobwall initiating fights indirectly and direclty BUT he grew the fuck up and we’re chill now. Same with skinny, small convo and we’re chill. This was just stupid i dont think it will take solarian/anthony a decade to grow up either. He apparently wants to write off his vehicle and win a lottery to hire an assasin hahahaha.

About cayuga, sure im up for that :slight_smile: You have pm! As long as it doesnt rain/nice sunny, i like it when it feels like a picnic, i know its nice to race in rain for control development but meh

My head hurts.

its funny how only the first like four posts are about the original car posted.

get back on topic
and no one wants to read a book every post.


I want that car blush :stuck_out_tongue:

back on topic :wink:

oh can we all just be friends and laugh at these cars?please…lol