New Beer out??

Just heard on the news that [sp]anheiser busche[/sp] is putting a new beer out, called “B to the E”. Its got caffeine equivalent to half a cup of coffee. Thats all i heard… :ugh2:

B double E double R U N

Beer run!

yeah it sucks… my cousin is a bud girl… i tried it… as stated… it sucks. trying to get in on the redbull hype.

it sucks. they were giving it for free at the Oregon a few weeks ago

really??? thats dissapointing :frowning:

It’s from Budweiser, what did you expect?

jager bomb > Crapwiser coffee beer

There’s that shit in the silver/orange can called SparkX too. It’s “okay” in that it tastes like most regular energy drinks (so not good but you can deal with it) bu thas like 6% or something alcohol. You’re sure as hell not going to drink ‘em all night but I guess if you’re goin’ out partying but feeling sorta dead you could hammer one or two to get started. :wink:


I will stick to La Fin Du Monde and Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA. B to tha E is $29 for a case of cans. What a rip off.

I had that once… good stuff.

Gotta love the name “The end of the World”, lol. 9% alcohol too…

Saranac makes some real good stuff you should try, if you haven’t. They have variety cases out with I think 12 different beers in 'em. I like to try a ton of different beers rather than drink the domestic piss water.

Coors Lights licks balls.

B to the E, sucks my n-u-t to the z

i tried that shit a few weeks ago… :puke:

I’ve brewed a coffee stout that had quite a bit of espresso in it, was pretty cool. Stouts don’t typically get heavily hopped as the bitterness comes from the roast of the grains after malting. IE, no need for hops. Especially when you dump in a pile of Starbux.

It wasn’t anything like “Bee to the Eee” however. I wonder how long that shit will be around. Innovation is good, exploring niche markets is good, but I’ve gotta wonder about that one.

We all realize that we’re the target demographic, right? At least those of you that are young punks…I’m a middle aged punk, they don’t target me anymore. I just get to listen to Led Zepplin hawk Caddilac’s…anyway…

Saranac is good stuff too.

This demonstrates that we’ve come along ways since the blow and whiskey era…

Saranac is ok. I tend to buy alot from Dogfish Head, Stone, Unibroue, Victory, and Weyerbacher. D’s Sixpax and Dogz is the greatest place to try good beers. I spent $90 last time I went there.