New best ET at Thompson on Saturday

1.317 with the back tires
DA: 1,975

Last week I took off the 3.5" scavenger collectors. You know, the ones that the tubes go from 4 to 2 to 1 and are supposed to give mucho more HP and torque?. I welded my 3.5" collectors to 4" Bullit mufflers and slipped those suckers on and the car liked it. The car is much more quiet and picked up around 1/2 tenth and 1.5 mph.

The 80’ wheelstand was fun :cookie:


:blue: :idb:





one word… crazy

Thompson is still my favorite track. I heard they back filled the shut off area of death. True? Congrats on the killer ETs!!!

Congrats! :beer:

I never seen it before 2005. It’s not so bad.

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

Man that’s getting it bro:bigok:

congrats , good job

i dont know if i buy into the 4-2-1 stuff. Seems like too much transistions to impede flow. Glad you picked up some with the new setup tho, that car moves! 1.31 60 foot on back wheels is insane!

Thanks everyone