New car (big powwaaa Evo)

My wife has an associates degree in business administration… that degree is a joke, she doesn’t even mention it on job applications. LOL

This car is awesome and the arguments need to stop. People may have different opinions of what an investment is to them, but must would agree that an investment is monetary. WHO GIVES A FUCK.

Ultimately I agree!

Thats plain silly. Why in the world wouldn’t you put that down on any apps.

yea shame we wasted two years for nothing for a degree, we shoulda been makin minimum wage at some dump of a job…

:rofl at this thread

LOL I was exaggerating.

Nope, my grand prix is white lightning. Lmao. Seriously, that’s what I call it. Haha

I agree with buying a car thats already been modded it saves you boatloads