New car (big powwaaa Evo)

Probably The Shop or Turbotrix

“use”=“fun” it just so happens to be a fast evo, so i said fun. but its actually use. use=depreciation. a “good” investment is always one where you end up with positive gain. a good investment in this case is something with a control depreciation. simply the closer your cashout is to the original cost the better off you were. the small cash loss is justified by use(depreciation). there is no fucking crazy tangents, your a child, open your eyes/ears.

“investment” doesnt always deal with just money. your literal interpretation of the word needs to stop.

I would avoid getting it tuned by Jr



looks sick but Turbo Trix sucked when they were open. o and get it tuned, Jr. sucks dick

Who would you recommend for tuning?

ivey, buschur, crbd (or something like that)

It’s just been ran hard for two years with a Jr tune w/o issue, that’s why I was considering going back to him

Yea who knows if the guy actually ran the car hard. He could leave it garaged and just take it out for a leisure cruise

No! Moniccccaaaaaa!!!

FYI, my sister has called me white lightening for 2 years…

just figure I would tell ya.

id call ya white spark . seein as lightning is quick and powerfull , you - not so much lololol:hug


It was tracked and raced hard on the street for sure

like the owner now?

the shop mc tune

My high HP cars see as many or more miles than any car here.

if anybody needs to stop it’s yourself, call me a child, whatever, Ive got an associates degree in business administration I think I’ve got a handle on what an investment… No need for you to yammer away.