New car & bike hangout in rotterdam NY

New lot @ cusato’s pizza. 1600 Altamont Ave, rotterdam, NY 12303 friday night starts after 10pm. welcome cars and bikes bring money because they have the best food in the area. There is limited room about 30 to 40 parking spots. warn your friends not to drive stupid because they will keep it open to everyone unless there is people acting stupid.


This should last a week before the Amstericans show up.

Good luck with that…:crackup

so this sounds like the pizza shop actually gave permission for this to happen?

Good food, stopped there a few times last year.

awesome im willing to give this a shot and meet some of the members on here :slight_smile:

Fresh pizzas are good but the counter slices look like they’ve been out for week

those dirty fuckers ruined all the places around here already