New car for the wife.


Just one pic… taken right after we left Fort Myers and began the drive home.

[ audis.JPG[/IMG]"]![ audis.JPG]( audis.JPG)]([IMG)

do you lived near Pine Creek Road? If so i think i saw you the other day…or rather yoru wife.

Yep, that was her. We live off of Meinert… which is off off Pine Creek.

That a B6 A4 S-line hiding on the left?

that white audi on the right is bad ass very nice car

thats a nice collection. I live on the farm thats on pine creek right past mienert road. Ive seen your white s4 out and about plenty oftimes. I used to have one with the same front piece. a4 that is

his doesnt look like it’d falling off… :bigthumb:

shouldnt you be out buying stanggirl spa gift cards?

no sir.

Yeah, what are you hiding over there. I see B7.

Thanks. That’s my baby. I will put my 100,000 mile on her in the next couple days. 120k total.

That’s a nice piece of land there. Plus, you have the neighborhood with those big ass houses beside you. Did you have the Rieger bumper or the OEM Audi RS4 bumper like mine? The one in your avatar appears to be the Rieger. My bumper is all f’ed up and one section is held together with zip ties and epoxy. Hawt.

Yep! It’s a regular 2005.5 A4. The black grille is off an A4 DTM edition.
We traded the car in when we bought the S4 Cab.

i take it you guys are in to audi’s lol

For the most part. I’ve always owned an VW or Audi (15+ years) thus I am fairly familiar with the brands. My mechanical skills are average at best so I tend to stick with what I know.