New car suggestions....

Why the fuck not you dumbasss?


Even at $14K it’s by no means worth it.

I guess you fall under the “more dollars than sense category”. :bloated:


its a 25K miles with that low of miles they are pretty expensive (this is just going by what I’ve seen them listed at, and 22500 is very low on the one you posted… I’ve been looking for one for a while…

It says would you assface.

Ok that one was my bad it was supposed to say 5k not 15k but you just trying to be an e-dick isnt all that ammusing. But im sure you are soooo much better off then I am so who am i to judge. Anyhow i edited my original post for your reading pleasure. But for anyone else in their infinite e-wisdom. Any daily driver i have had before was a cheap ~5k car and i did not carry collision on it. I DO carry collision on my 15k camaro. I am considering buying a nice daily driver that I WOULD carry collision on and am implying about cost. Obviousley instead of answers to a question i get e-dickswinging. Thanks.

Anything over 5K i would put collision on … Idk thats just me… whether its worth it or not…

Big difference between 5 and 15K. I would say it depends on the rates at that point.


BTW I’m not just and e-dick, I’m also a dick in person.

Yea that was my bad on the typing front but i didnt think my original message implied i was going to buy one of those cars and not get full coverage because i certainly would not. Well atleast you are consistant then.

5k car = collision w/$1k deductible.

It depends on the car too… its alot cheaper / easier to find parts for a $5k civic couple as opposed to a $5k rabbit or something.

OK I’ll stop being a jackass in gen auto before I give myself an infraction. :ohnoes:

I havent priced collision on anything since i bought my camaro when i was 19 four years ago. This is why i asked the damn question you fuckers! I am curious as to what to expect when i contact my insurance company for quotes. Im 23 and have never even gotten a ticket so i cant immagine it should be too bad.

On topic- So Justin you figure out what you are going to buy yet? If it is going to be your only vehicle i vote M3 but i dont know much about their maintenance or reliability. If you are keeping your tib then ZO6 FTW!!!

YA’RLY I’m giving you a warning!!!

Selling tib…

1 car…

I don’t see the harm in DDing a Z06 I have access to a new Tacoma in DC whenever I need it.


Depends on the car. And on the person insuring it obviously.

91 Mustang, 4k miles/yr, collision w/$1k deductible costs me $98/yr.

2001-2002 M5 !!!


Meh, Don’t get an M5 until you have a need for 4 doors.