New Car

I spent about $2K to make it absolutely mint for the new owner. He put it at redline and side-stepped the clutch and blew it up. The car wasn’t driven for nearly a year and I told him to get it tuned before street racing. He drove it from PA to KS and blew up the tranny in a week racing. Then, a crappy 5 speed was put in and he put it on eBay. A 3SIer won it cheap (no reserve), the guy refused to sell, was banned from 3SI, disappeared, and attempting to part it out on eBay/craigslist.

basically, destroyed.

The roof is sick. It goes into the backseat. One of the big selling points for me as I love the openess to it.

The tan is weird. For me, it works and I am typically not a huge fan. I also LOVE the white. I didn’t at first but it works on certain cars. Perhaps I am justifying? :slight_smile:

This was huge for me. My previous SUV was like a caddy up front. Plus, Newman sits on my lap. It looks small but I got CRAZY room in it. I wish there was a bit more space between pedals though.

I live in NYC so I am used to pricks denting shit all the time. I park WAY away from people generally. Also, I have a good body guy. :slight_smile:

As of right now, not a SINGLE scratch on the car.