New Car

Wife LOVES the X5. She is going in a new 3 series next year after wedding.

LOVED the Range Rover but hated the thought of overly priced repairs. This is bad enough. LR2 is a GREAT deal too.

The X3 is MUCH more peppier though. :slight_smile: Shit, it runs like a 90MPH trap. Not too bad for a entry level SUV.

Like Cavy said, it’s basically a way for a company to cover the entire cost of the loan if the car is totaled.

The problem is when you finance, you often finance shit outside of the car. It sucks for the bank because the car is probably not worth the extra tax/fees/tags/etc… Furthermore, as you own the car, it depreciates faster than the loan amount. So, your $20K car now might be valued at $20K but in a year, you might owe $18K but the value is $16K. You total that car, the insurance gives you $16K, you owe $2K. Imagine that shit on a more expensive car? Mine is valued at $31K+ I’d be fucked.

Or, pull a Travis.:rofl