New color: N*gger Brown

that sounds like a porno title :lol:

engine/injun red

I was thinking that color too.

Beat Vag Purple

o yea thats hilarious:bloated: if it was kike white or daego green it wouldnt be funny and for the owner to claim he had no idea, that is bullshit he places the orders he knows whats coming in his store:tdown:

it could be cracker white and i wouldnt give a fuck.

just because he places orders doesnt mean he knew what the label said. He could have ordered model XX6453 color code 65764

well the impact of the word cracker in comparison to nigger or kike is not even a comparable phrase, and unless the owner is a retard he knows whats in his shop

you are making no arguement here. how many owners check out every single piece thats in there store and studies all the labels? probably slim to none.

If I ordered a couch, and it said “KYKE WHITE” I would laugh my fucking ass off. I would have to show everyone I knew. I’m jewish too.

no arguement??? unless this is a freak one time occurance there is more than one set of furniture with this color and label on it so someone in his company should have noticed this at least once, he doesnt need to check every piece of furniture and if the company has this color as an option when the sales rep for this company comes in to sell the owner his product im almost 100% positive the name of the color would have come up.

you still have no argument. its not his fault it was on there. hes just a middle man.

He blamed it on Chinese people. Hahahah

no chinc yellow couches i assume? im really looking for a wet back tan couch, cuz the cracker white will probably get dirty

do you own a business??? as a retailer you know whats in your store espically like something where customer service is a big deal, he is not the middle man he is providing a product for the customer and by not knowing that he had an racially offensive product in his store is saying that is just incompetent and allowing himself to get put in a situation like this. It is not a question of what the manufactuer did because it is their product they can do as they please it is the store owners fault for having a product in his store that is as offensive as that is, and dont tell me that people dont know whats in their stores why do you think companies do inventory because they want to know EVERYTHING that comes in and out of their stores and where it goes to.

do they have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance red and white? if so, Afrank should look into it.
I’m sure the tag was made out by engrish-speaking people in china anyway.

EDIT: dago green? i at least want my heritage to be represented with a proper color. I’m not green.

no i was looking for wieniken green :snky:

its fucking 2007. Who gives a shit. Why dont you call Al Sharpton so he can throw a media stink and get his scumbag publicity for the month.

If I was the store owner I would say “whooptie do”, sorry no reperations here.

wow nothing better than a little implied racism did a black guy beat you up as a child i dont recall asking for furniture to be non-racially offending to be part of the idea of reperations…i’se a sorry boss din mean to make yas mad

I prefer my furniture to be racially offensive. I thought everyone did?

I do.Wheres the fun in a couch being just called brown.I think this is going to be my favorite new color.