New color: N*gger Brown

notice the couch and the woman are almost exactly the same color. Wow what a match!

“But it’s a very, very bad word that makes you feel degraded, like you’re a nobody,” She says.

Then maybe you should start up a protest against rappers and their use of it:roll2:

I love how is such a bad word when someone else uses the N word but then when they say it, its just music or ok.:roll2:

whole lot of nothing being said in this thread

Eh, i am a big proponent of the white guy using the word nigger. I never use it derogatorily, nor do i ever use it with ill intent. I think it’s the easiest way to eradicate it’s hateful meaning.

It seems that black people (niggers) attempted to do this by adopting it into their vernacular, but some still become offended by it’s usage when the speaker is white, regardless of context used. It’s probably one of the most blatantly publicized double standards in our country at the moment, but seems to be on the verge of becoming acceptable… I think that as time wears on, it’s derogatory iimplications will fall to the wayside.

5 stars.

Interesting thread here…some valid points being made.

Side note: My couches have a chinkish hue to it, and have wop colored flowers meshed in.

fuck you’re couch !


fuck you’re couch !


fuck, you are couch too!

waaaaaaaahhhhhh waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh waaaaaaaahhhhhh, hey afrank45 would you like some cheese with that whine

its 2007 theres no more slavery. the guy who sold it didnt put it there. get over it and write a letter to the company that made them

I call :bsflag: on her kid never hearing the word nigger.

And :lol: at, “I don’t know if I even want the furniture in my house now”. I bet if the store offered to give it to her free she’d be just fine with it staying.

Time to just chill out, cut the tag off, and move on with your life.

its just another white man trying to keep a brotha down

barronvonWortzen: i have pneumonia
barronvonWortzen: and it hurts like a bitch to talk
barronvonWortzen: and i just ruined my throat
barronvonWortzen: laughing at the couch thread


Honestly who cares. Is it worth them getting media attention with it. Throw the tags out and enjoy your new couch.



get on with it already… im sure if it was a lyric in a rap song they wouldn’t be pissing and moaning about it :stuck_out_tongue:

man, that place isnt too far away…

Anyone wanna go with me and buy some furniture?

how do you even know a WHITE MAN named that couch?

tell me there wasnt a few black people working at a couch company n the convo went like this

worker A: Yo nigga that couch looks jus like you

worker B: Yea i kno. I made it like that. I call it Nigga brown.

oh wait since its spelled nigger and not nigga or any other way it must of been a white man using it as a way to put someone else down

Didnt you read the article? The gooks made that couch…

(since were using racist terminology)

there are no african-chineese people?


there are no african-chineese people?


no thats illegal in china…

Newmannie Fresh’s new joint:

  1. Keep Yo Brim Flat
  2. U and dat brown couch

“Girl, I been sittin, loungin, on welfare tryna to get you and that brown couch
Tryna get to you and that brown couch”


waaaaaaaahhhhhh waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh waaaaaaaahhhhhh, hey afrank45 would you like some cheese with that whine

its 2007 theres no more slavery. the guy who sold it didnt put it there. get over it and write a letter to the company that made them


theres no slavery??? really didnt they just break up a bunch of chinese massage parlors because the workers were endentured servants(slaves) wow someone should get their facts straight before they go out making statements that attempt to be smart. you really got me there “want some cheese with that wine” ouch that one really stung i have never at any point in this thread whined rather presented an opinion im sorry i hurt your feelings and made you think i was feeling opressed, if you want to hand deliver that cheese pm me for my address id like some new york extra sharp cheddar thx:D