New doggah

I’ll third that. Ours still hasn’t learned to leave the cats alone. They hiss at him because he tries to go near them and sniff them, so then he runs away yelping, even though they didn’t touch him. But then he turns right back around and goes after them again :hsugh:

Also, he will walk up the stairs to our second floor but he won’t come back down the stairs. He just stands at the top of them and whines until someone carries him down the steps. We know he can walk down stairs. At his old home, he wouldn’t go down their stairs to go outside until he had his leash on, so maybe that’s why he does it here.

What have those of you with Dachshunds done to keep them from jumping? I don’t want him to hurt his back. He jumps on furniture (we allow him to be on it), but he also jumps straight up and down to try to reach stuff…mainly food. I looked at some ramps for the couch and bed, but they are so expensive. Dom said he could try to make some but I’ll believe that when I see it. I think a ramp would be easier than stairs for him :dunno: