New family member!

So I was looking for a rottweiler a while back…well I eventually found a breeder I liked in northern virginia who actually had some males. I have had him since the end of March but I finally found some time to take some pictures and post them up. He is 13 weeks old now and I don’t have many complaints about him he is pretty good for being a puppy. Anyways he is a pure bred german rott, his grandfather was actually world champion in 2005. I got to see both parents, grandparents, and an uncle and got to interact with all of them, they all had great temperments and that is what really sold me, anyways here he is

Cute dog. Must be pretty well behaved. I can’t get ours to sit still like that for a picture.

Awesome! Looks like a winner. Congrats.

i miss my rott jj, he was very well behaved. i could leave my front door open and he would’nt go out side unless i told him it was ok. he could open all the doors in my house though. i didnt teach him that he just picked it up, all my doors looked like someone took a ball ping hammer to em. oh and plan on buying alot of vaccumes we went through at least 2 a year for 7 years

NIce Wray, looks like it’ll grow up to be an awesome dog.


Good lookin pup wray

Cute! Did you name him yet?

cute dog

Geno…GO PENS!!!

cute pup, wray.

you have to bring him to jeffs i want to see him!

have met geno a couple times. great pup.

wow man… your dogs going to be a monster… look at the size of them paws!

good looking pup .Those Germans make good stuff

pics of red rocket?

aweee puppy!
haha cute dog wray wray