New Fast and Furious 4 pictures

Everything in that post scares me. I only watched the 1st because my friend had a demo-copy that he popped in the dvd-player. The 2nd I refuse to watch, I will leave the room if someone puts it on. The 3rd I watched because my friend said there was actually some good drifting in it, which there wasn’t. The 4th I will also boycott.

People actually quote one of the worst movie series ever composed? That just blows me away.

And lastly, the reason why people watch them is because there are millions of idiots in this country that do exactly what these terrible movies show. It sickens me but I honestly didn’t believe 90% of this forum was comprised of them.

All I have to say is thank GOD the 3rd one didn’t turn everyone into a drifter like the 1st made everyone a ricer.