New Ferrari 599 GTB

Pop ups = drag

Yeah I know its probably minimal, but I like the recessed lights.

pentagram wheels are sweet.

I dunno I agree that it looks like a c6

I kind of like those wheels, a lot. Not because I’m some weirdo or anything, but because it’s different then usual wheels. And I like stars. But I’m a girl, so yeah…

I like the looks of it a whole shit load.

a modern supercar with flying butresses. I have officially seen everything.

the pontoon fenders are a little awkward, and obviously ferrari is pushing this “style” now. but it’s actually a “retro” (sweet mother of god I hate that fucking word, makes me think of bowling shoes) take on older ferraris.

makes me think of a modern 250GT.

and o/t, but I found this while looking for a lusso pic:

I was going to say the same thing…

Its what happens when you mix witchcraft with Aston Martin,

Just take a look at those wheels.

looks very similar to the 355

I like it :tup: alot… I even like those wheels :slight_smile:

emo wheels?

nah… those are like satan wheels lol

emo would be like thick black framed glasses and razor blade spokes :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m loving it…Is like the Enzo, looks fugly in pictures…but when you see it in real life…OMG! that’s a hot super car

i like the f430 more. this one seems to borrow a lot of styling cues from other cars.

Not to start and drama, but a true pentagram is a 6 pointed star. The wheels do look very remeniscant (SP?) of a pentagram.

Uhhh Pentagram is 5 pointed. Pentagons are 5 sided. hexagram would be 6 pointed.


n : a star with 5 points; formed by 5 straight lines between the vertices of a pentagon and enclosing another pentagon [syn: pentacle]

6 pointed stars are the Star of David.

^ word. penta- means 5. So…where would the drama be? lol

i like

i dont know why, but those photos looked chopped to me.

Could be. But you know how those car glamour shots are…they always do some retouching.

Front end is alrght… back end is :tdown: to me.

i think thats hot, and with that motor OMG!

I do see a restyled 575 though :wink: