new from schenectady

not necessarily there are a lot of b.s majors for sure. Education definitely helps you get a better paying job than somebody that did not pursue higher education.

i agree, my dad wasnt born here and didnt do no college thing but he works for himself and makes cash somehow… i guess that doesnt mean shit because he isnt educated? i wonder what educated is… because im a web designer and im almost sure I am more up to date on my shit than the a student in an average college going for graphics design since all his info is already outdated

but fuck… what do i do about anything im 24 years OLD as fuck right ??

and you wanna go to college, great i’ll give you a congratulations not when you graduate… but when you land a career in the same field… dont ask all the people who went to college if they took a career in the same field… that would be scary

haha im fuckin slow i had no idea what he was talking about with that CJ major shit…

I went to college for 3 years and got 2 degrees and really wish I didnt waste my time and went and got a good job after high school.

if you want to work for someone the rest of your life because you lack the confidence of succeeding in the best country in the world… then yeah you better get educated

Solid point dude, but I only hope to work for somebody else for a few years to pay back some loans and raise the capital necessary to start my own business. Only way I would work for somebody else my whole life is if they were paying me big $$$, shit I need that money after I’m done with all these years of school. 5 year undergrad+4 year grad school fml I still have 3 full semesters of undergrad left…fuck!


nothing is stable , esp now … get ready fuckers a revolution is brewinnnn ya watch

toll booth operater

lol, mcdonalds… janitor

Oh wait i found out… closing up foreclosed homes… yes !

theres plenty.
Carpentry, construction and more. Sure you can get a degree in that stuff but sometimes experience and skill is worth more than a slip of paper a trained monkey can get in some cases. I think a monkey is smarter than half the guys I went to college with.
Even my father makes somewhat decent money with no college education. He makes more than me and my mother and we both went to college.

fuck that I’d rather live in a van down by the river for the rest of my life, eating gov’t cheese and smokin doobies :rofl

I think your taking what I said wrong…

I meant it like this…

There isn’t any reason to put down someone who didnt go to college, compared to someone who did because either way they can succeed with good jobs.

Long story short, my fiance graduated U-albany 3 years ago and she came into a very good job right out of college for senior whole health (senior health care company). She makes very good money for a 24 year old. Myself and her, make the same amount, but I work for my father who is the owner of the company.

This argument could be had all day, what it comes down to is that if you want to get paid more you need to gain a set of skills that other people don’t have whether its through special training or a 2 or 4 year degree.

This is especially true when the economy is bad.

somebody like you will always have work though. People always have cars that need repairing.

I just realized after doing it, despite my degrees that I hate working on cars. I dont mind doing oil changes and brakes and other minor repairs on my own shit but I hate doing more involved work.

well actually no pjb, i just found out today from my “friend” rob that construction was a bullshit career and pretty much if you’re into that shit you dont have nothing on an undergraduate of these days

ok new topic please

i didnt go to college , and i make close to 70k a yr . i know its not a lot but i make more than some of my educated friends

I agree with you man. My sister went to Hudson valley for 2 years and then transferred over to saint rose for 4 years for graphic design. She is VERY good at what she does, but she better be for the money it cost to go to that school.

sounds like the goal of a guy I work with except maybe the cheese part.

more than double what I make