I was actually agreeing with you, just not 100% You can definitely make big money without college, I dont doubt that as I’ve met plenty of really well off people with no college degree. A lot of whether or not you make money without a college degree is luck, like you have a good job working for your parents and theres nothing wrong with that, I’d do the same shit if I could. It is just less likely to be well off without an education is all I’m sayin.
70k is MORE then enough to live a very comfortable life for you, your wifey and your kids.
yeah and she can probably admit to you or anyone that the best way to really learn is online for FREE, but to get a good job yes the degree is needed. so assbackwards
yah I see what your saying. I guess I am just lucky that My parents started the business when they did and I decided to get into it to become the owner myself in 10 years when my dad retires.
:lol ya jon, thats good enough for you bitch
it all depends on what people strive for. you can go either ways with a gamble. 1, not go to college and work hard for good money,2- go to college and then work easy for good money… it could turn out either way. everyone has there own opinion, doesnt mean one is greater than the other
It seems like it was much easier to start a business and be successful without an education in our parents time. Not so much now it seems.
yes you have the point right there… if you wanna trade your time for dollars, hours for pennies… yes you will be working for your money very hard…
but there is more options than you listed… you can think just 1% more clever than the average boxed in person and find a better way to make money … you can be self employed… and bust your ass or you can be a business owner… up to you… whatever you do, or want to do… work hard for money, or work smart for more money… it wont be affected by college or no college… it will be affected by your self and your brain
I honestly dont talk to her much about it since I hardly see her.
all I know is ontop of the huge yearly bills for her going to st rose, her graphic design class made her go out and buy this $1500 camera, a new apple laptop, various graphic design programs and then all the books and shit. Its ridiculous how much they make you spend to get a good education that you might not even end up making money with outside of school.
2.7, that logic is retarded… you have to work hard either way for GOOD money. You don’t just get handed money because you went to college. If you want to make real money, start a successful business or two or 100.
yep , kinda… i bet your parents didnt have the chance to create facebook or shift (lol joking !) but the net brings alot more opportunity to create money, just use your brain to figure out how and your balls to make the moves
wow this forum is getting deep
this is true. I am pretty much a Mexican in the spring,summer and fall.
ya fuck 30k a year college, thats why I moved back here to go to HVCC for $1500 a semester. Definitely miss the fine ass Miami bitches though :banghead
work hard for good money or work smart for it… your choice, college doesnt make a difference
I mean it like there wasnt as much liability for a lawsuit, and redic insurance costs, and high taxes that business owners have to deal with today. Not that there was necessarily more oppertunity.
yah 30k a year is retarded.
retarded? YES but it was definitely worth it to live somewhere else and see what that was like for a few years. Been here in Guilderland my whole life and its fucking boring here.
You are correct. Working hard and smart would be ideal I guess.
Look at some of the richest people in the world
Richard Branson- High school drop out
Bill Gates- College dropout
Mark Zuckerburg- College dropout
Steve Jobs- College dropout
yah I hear ya. I think everyday about going down south and starting my own business but I would never do that to my parents.