new from schenectady

you clearly didnt understand what i was saying. NOBODY gets handed money becuase they go to college. going to college or not going to college is a gamble, sometimes you make out good some times you dont

They all created businesses IN college dorms, so I’m not sure if your point with them can be valid.

haha dont go to florida and start a business now, that place has huge unemployment. I actually took last semester off to prospect a business idea I had, but in the end decided it was not worth the risk at this time.

I was just saying that they all had successful ideas and the courage to gamble their lives on them. They could’ve all easily stayed in school and gotten their degrees.

more than I made last year not counting cash overtime

right, they werent denied their success because they didnt have a degree in hand

I don’t think its a gamble, I think its more an insurance policy. Bachelors degree doesn’t guarantee you to be a millionaire but its nice to have.

It is something good to fall back on that’s for sure. If my business idea fails, fuck it I can be a c.p.a for a year or two so I’m not a broke *****.

I’m going to become a cop no matter what… degree just means il get a lil bonus


edit: dick

ah cj don’t think the s4 is mine :lol

Oh hai guyz I just read the last 30 pages. HOLY SHIT.

Oh and I’m majoring in Human Biology. Medical field for the win.

dual major accounting/finance and Pre-law/Business Law over here. Might minor in english seeing as I only need 1 or 2 classes for that.

Wish I was good with numbers

bunch of shit talking going on, on facebook lol

Facebook shit talking is way more epic than the lame talk ITT. Dave, I’ll be lurking your shit for a while.

haha alright

If the real world fails. My degree will help me in the armed forces.

The last 2 pages…wow.