new from schenectady

Some one cant afford his own insurance or car

Thanks you saved me the work and dug your hole a little deeper so I didnt have to. Exactly my point you fucking kid. You have been driving for maybe 2 years, and think your king shit on the road. We don’t take kindly to your kind around here boy.

I am going to go snowblow my driveway so the handykid doesnt get stuck in the snow when he swings by.

Ok shift members before this gets outta hand. Another member on here 6SP EG has the same exact car, same exact color, with same exact wheels, so lets not get these cars mixed up

s4 buddiesss?

handicap bullying buddies

I normally push people in wheelchairs over as it reminds me of placing a turtle on its back

OMG :rofl :rofl

Yeah so don’t fuck my car up fellas. I have sweet led lisence plate bulbs and it’s lowered and exhaust. Ok proceed with the bashing. Hotwheelz is good peeps btw.

WHOA! Shit is changing now, you intentionally brake checked my best friend in an effort to see if his 5000lb HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE VAN was able to stop as well as your large rotor 4 wheel disc equipped Audi. Let’s get something straight, you for one are SUPER lucky that I missed Chris’ phone call that night on his way to Amsterdam… the whole thing would have went down a little different. I would have got out of the car and single handedly folded each and every one of your clownshoe friends. No joke.

Fear not, faggot! We can fix this, It’s a 12 step program.

Step 1: Admit you are an asshole.
Step 2: Punch yourself in the face.
Step 3: Admit you had a lot to do with the accident.
Step 4: Punch yourself in the face.
Step 5: Admit you and your friends are massive pussies (it’s true, you needed a bat for a guy in a wheelchair)
Step 6: Punch yourself in the face.
Step 7: Admit that it’s very juvenile to brake check someone.
Step 8: Punch yourself in the face.
Step 9: Admit that the baseball bat is really a sodomy device that you and your “friends” use when drunk.
Step 10: Punch yourself in the face.
Step 11: Kill yourself.
Step 12: Well, if you did step 11 we don’t need anything else.

You might also want to try keeping your story straight, you just piss everyone off an lose your already crushed credibility. I don’t even know what else to say to you… you should just bow out now and keep what little dignity you have. You are now hated by everyone in the automotive community, take up another hobby like knitting sweaters for you and all your faggot friends.

Punk bitch.

I am now going out with a bat and every Santorin blue S4 I come across the 518 region is going to get it

thats immediatly going right to the police lol

you have no right to even think about LOLin on this forum. Seriously gtfo

Good god, you really are a brick head. Lets run to the police and tell them an unknown guy on the internet just made a joke. Holy shit, do you call the cops when you see something fucked up on YouTube as well? :retardclap

if anybody touches my fathers car, you will not see the light of day ever again. he is crazy and owns a barrett .50 cal… im just saying… if it was my car, yea do whatever. just save yourself. becuase you really dont know what your getting into. those are my last words. goodbye

yup going straight to the police with that

you cant go to the police with a statement and a fact.

No one is going to show up at your driveway with a baseball bat so you can sleep with one eye opened for all i care :retardclap

Sweet, your dad has a .50 cal? Cool story! You also might want to check with dad before you make threats for him (you can ask him when he’s wiping your ass later).

i wasnt making a threat for him, i was warning you of him. just dont go around hinting your going to steal wheels and hit a car with a baseball bat when you dont even know who owns it…