new from schenectady


i am keep an eye out for a grandpa driving a jetta station wagon

So, who can drive after 9PM in this thread?


I have met wheels/aka chris countless times and he is honestly one of the nicest dudes you could meet in the car community. Knowing what kinda douchebaggery you did makes me sad to own the same kind of car as your daddy. Now pls ask him to sell it.

Let me give you a fair warning. I grew up with cops, infact one of you had the pleasure of dealing with while at APD. I know judges, DA’s lawyers, inspectors in CPD, DA’s in sch and CPD. I, we here at shift have put kids behind bars, infact i testified less than a month ago and hes locked up for 1-3. Dont believe me look up Anthony Bruschi of your fine town of schenectady. infact you might actually know him your about the same age!!!


In fact you broke a very recent law my friend. look up cyber harassment laws NY. Now go back and look at what you already typed out and we quoted. And before you get slick and put your `17 year old intelligence back to work and try to edit it with a little “.” where that are posted, all edits are logged, and can and HAVE BEEN subpoenaed for use in court.


Oh COLIN KAEHLER who drives dDaddy’s, Douglas Kaehlers S4 who lives at the same address with a license plate # of ESE7681, I never thought we would get the chance to meet again!!! So let’s get some stories straight since you seem to be mis-remembering a few details… And I’m not sure whose insurance got dropped, or of anyone convicted of a DWI… I know I didn’t… Lets recount that night should we???

You’re driving down Rt. 30 thinking you’re a badass in your Daddy’s S4 with 2 of your buddies, one who was drunk and under the age… After repeated brake checks, I bumped you. You then, pulled forward… And proceeded to get out of your car, with your 2 buddies 1 of which had a bat. Being that I was alone, I drove by you while one of your tool friends kicked my vehicle and threw the bat at my vehicle. After you decided to chase me, I figured you were going to follow me home and attempt to assualt me. I then, stopped my vehicle in the road, and attemped to disable your vehicle by backing into it and then called the police to come catch up to us.

FYI, how’s the car anyways… The cops had agood laugh at your expense since it was pissing antifreeze everywhere… You can thank your buddy for kicking my van, he wiped the salt off for me, that’s right… Not a scratch on my vehicle.

Considering I already followed up with the police in regards to a possible assulat on myself by you and your friends, I will also notify them that your father has a high powered rifle and that I may still be in danger, I’ll allow them to follow up with you.

Welcome to our car community where you will find a lot of people who don’t tolerate the BULLSHIT you STARTED that night. When you grow up and your balls drop, even own your own car… Feel free to come up and re-introduce yourself to me at a number of car shows or at the lot. I’d like to see you pull any of those antics to face, ever again.

Apologize to your Dad for me, as f you weren’t a douchebag HIS CAR wouldn’t have ever been in an accident.

With Love,


Wow talk about walking into the wrong part of town with sign saying I love ****. And ill make sure to post this on rofl and the tex so the entire vag community knows how much of a scumbag u are
… hope to see u at waterfest and h2o …

This is gonna be fun. :lol

fuckin D :rofl :rofl

Can you imagine a .50 cal going off in a residential neighborhood. That would be epic.

Let me show your PM:

Now let me respond… I certainly don’t hate my life, but you obviously know me better than I know myself… You refered to the car as yours, but we all know it’s your Dad’s.

I never avoided anything with GEICO, and I was never threatened with court… Not sure where you’re getting your info from, but I told them exactly what I posted in this thread… Because it’s the truth… And Anyone would be following too closely when they’re continually getting brake checked…

I never pointed out when you threw the bat, just that you had it in your hand and you did throw it…

Jeez… If I were you, I would stop now…

^ Holy shit at that PM. Speachless.

Should the /b/ army be unleashed?

Omfg this is going towards epic

Wow, I just realized it was you who was driving under the influence and under age at that… Nice Colin!

Kind Regards,


Agreed, holy shit this is great

You can say what you want man, you can twist it whichever way you want… I’ve never denied backing into your vehicle, again I did it to disable you from following me to my home where you and your friends (who already tried to assualt me) would inflict harm upon myself.

I’m not sorry for your life being effe’d up, I had repurcussions from that night as well… You wanted to act like a big boy that night, act like a big boy now and accept what you’ve done and deal with the consequences.

Best Wishes,


I’m not going to make ammends on anything. There’s no need to. If anything happens to you or your family, it has nothing to do with me. I posted the info so that people here knew exactly who you were. If anything happens to you or your family, it has nothing to do with me as I’m not a violent person and wouldn’t ever want to see someone hurt.

If you would like to apologize here in front of everyone for your behavior that night and in this thread, I will accept your apology. However, I’m not sorry for that night. You tried to assault me and i drove around you to avoid being injured… And if my intention was to run, I WOULD HAVE NEVER CALLED THE POLICE MYSELF AND TOLD THEM WHERE WE WERE.

With warm love,



No, I’m just showing how you’re back peddling from being a tough guy, to wanting to make ammends…

Anyone on here who knws me personally, knows I’m a nice guy… No one knows you and you came here, starting it up.

I only chimed in to set the record straight. As far as I’m concerned, the situation ended that night.

P.S. By insulting me, it doesn’t make me want to befriend you. I know you’re a testosterone filled 18 yr old, but take a step back, stop pounding your chest act like a young man and we can move on.


Chris “Grimey Piece of Shit” Moran.