New Furnace Install

So about 2 weeks ago I went and bought a new furnace. Last year when we had our old furnace tuned up the tech said that it wouldn’t make it through the winter. Luckily it did and here are some install pics that I took, my install guide and all costs.
[FONT=Calibri]1. [/FONT]Got the new furnace home and down into the basement. My buddy who works as a sheetmetal foreman came over and helped me with a material list, and took some measurements for the transition piece.
[FONT=Calibri]2. [/FONT]I got all of the materials home, downstairs and started roughing some of the pvc pipe in. I also ran the gas pipe inside the new furnace and help my electrician cousin run new wire for the new thermostat.
[FONT=Calibri]3. [/FONT]The next day I got home from work, disconnected the old furnace and waited for my two helpers to get there. As soon as they showed up we got the old furnace out of the way and the new one slid into place. As soon as that was done the three of us were set into motion. I worked on the gas line tie in, my buddy tied in all of the ductwork and my cousin wired up the new furnace. After those were done we dry-fit the rest of the PVC for the combusion air and the vent and made sure they were properly pitched back to the furnace.
[FONT=Calibri]4. [/FONT]Around 10:00pm we fired the furnace up and it worked great. Not bad for around 4 hours of work.

Ok onto the material list and pictures.
[FONT=Calibri]1. [/FONT]Furnace and new chimney liner for hot water tank $1085
[FONT=Calibri]2. [/FONT]Condensate pump, Thermostat and gas valve $110
[FONT=Calibri]3. [/FONT]PVC pipe and fittings, gas line fittings $115
Total $1310

Pictures of the old furnace -

The new furnace inplace to take some measurements -

PVC pipes hung temporarily to get some measurements -

New furnace installed and running -

The tag from the old furnace that shows the date as 1983. Man that thing sucked.

Nice what brand is the furnace?

:tup: to tackling a project most of us would be too scared to do. Do you have any HVAC experience or just decide to give it a shot?

Where do you even buy a furnace for self install? I’d probably still have mine installed by a pro but it would be nice to be able to shop around a little on the materials cost to make sure the installer was staying honest on his parts costs.

No beer involved???

la hazards does

:tup: its not that hard. Saved yourself a bunch of money.

Brand of furnace is a York and it is an 80,000 BTU if that matters to anyone. House size is around 1750 sq. feet.

Furnace was purchased from Upstate Systems right on James E. Casey Drive. No HVAC experience but I have helped put a couple furnaces in, in the past. My buddy that helped has also done quite a few so it was great having him there.

There was some beer but I wanted it to be done in one evening so only a couple. I dont drink so it wasnt a problem for me.

Getting any rebates for better efficiency?

Yes. I am hoping to get a receipt for an installation so I can turn it in for the rebate. I will update with that info as soon as I get it.

Ahh, so that only applies if you have it installed? That is kinda lame for DIY people! Let us know how you do.

I swear I know that street (James E Casey) from somewhere but looking at it on google maps and the businesses on it I can’t figure out why I think I’ve been there.

EDIT: Got it. WEDG. Won tickets and had to pick them up there once.

Good guys over at Upstate sytems. I didnt know they sold to the public though.

I didn’t think most places did. From their website…

Upstate Systems Inc. is a distributor of York Heating & Air Conditioning Products. We only sell to qualified contractors, providing them with a full range of value-added benefits. We give top quality service and support that makes them HVAC Professionals we are proud to be associated with.

i didnt know upstate sold to the public either…good lookin install …looks professional! Tup

Situations like this usually the contractor will order the unit and the customer just picks it up. The average joe blow wont be able to go in and buy.

Yeah goes for furnaces AND hot water tanks… I installed the HWT’s myself and wrote the install on the receipt for the furnaces that were put in a few days earlier. Got my rebate in a month.

What do you mean you wrote the install on the receipt for the furnaces? You had someone install the furnace, but you claimed they installed the HWT too?

Yes sir.

snky snky! How much do the rebates net ya for the new efficient products?

lol @ the open fraud in this thread.