new gen 3 i-phone?

anyone heard of the new i-phone coming out this summer?

Rut roh.

Do I have to post pone my purchase of the “old” gen?

Do tell.


this has been buzzing around for awhile now, but they wont be comming out with a new iphone anytime soon…

the post says this summer

Real keyboard or ban

The iPhone has one of the better touch screen keyboard interfaces that I’ve played around with, but I still need real buttons or I fuck up too often. Not even the super advanced iPhone fancyasfuck predictive text is a match for me.

I can’t even get the iphone textorama feature to work when i’m blazed let alone sober… that right there says a LOT.

anyone who hasnt used the iphone more than a few times. the keyboard can feel abit tricky…

But hoenstly once you get used to it, I can type on the iphone keyboard just as fast as a normal one with minimal to no errors…

i love my i-phone and can type just as fast now that i have had it for a while

I waited and tried the iphone last after like 7 current high end phone… cause I thought I needed a real keyboard. I was wrong…after a week I like it… but nothing compare to the new Palm Pre . :slight_smile: Its a wanna be i phone with the slide out keyboard too…but way way faster .

i <3 my EnV for texting

whats a text message?


Does anyone here really have the spare cash to be blowing money on a phone with a bunch of bullshit that they don’t really need? I know I don’t, and last I checked I took hope 1/2way decent money. Americans would be so much better off if they would stop spending money they don’t have on shit that they don’t need.

Says the man with a 600hp twin turbo sports car on top of his Corolla :facepalm

Not to mention the Cobra…

600HP? It dosen’t go that low.

All my bills were payed, I had money left over, I had the monehz!

Errr…spending is what make the economy move… now go buy something you cheap bastard! In fact, buy me something. yeah, thats the ticket!!

a phone is a lot more important then modified cars. and iphones aren’t expensive, unless your buying out of contract which is just stupid.