new girl

Dont worry, I am sure everyone was apprehensive their first time out…

There will be a few 350z’s there as well, so you should try and make it out. Bring your BF or another girl friend(:R ) , I am sure that would make things easier.


hahahahah prying

haha i said it goes for manny of the guys…not necessarily all of them :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol probing question right off the bat hahaha so smooth but so obvious as well lolz

wow you guys are something else…

don’t put me in the same boat as these animals. i flirt, yes, but at least i have the boyishly handsome looks to accompany the sexual connotations :smiley:

oh god… you guys are lame.

visit !! hahah sign up people

Zep I agree with you 100% :slight_smile:

thank you :slight_smile:

You are very welcome :slight_smile:


Hey!!! waves how are you?

welcome welcome, good to see another girl on here… :R