new gtr lol

this guy effed this up pretty good , then took a paint marker to it

Oh, damn!

Shit made me cringe, the hell he do that for?

Those are all stickers, if you look at the X’s, you can see they’re duplicates.

But the dumbass manged to fuck shit up…still

yea i see the sticker. w/e still sucks for the skyrine.

what a fucking idiot

doesn’t deserve to have that car, what so ever

If anything he deserves to have that car more than mosts because he probably caused that driving the GTR the way it was intended to be driven.

Hitler is NOT impressed


But srsly, that made me think about my car. Its like abusing your spose/girlfriend/wife. I could never do it. My forearms are too weak from the wax! :stuck_out_tongue:

… if you catch my drift:cool:

^ get it? drift? hahahaha, Im a maniac with these puns. :rolleyes:

just throw on some over fenders! no one will know! lol

Aren’t all nissan RWD’s built for slamming into walls?

Not really, if you call yourself a good driver by smashing your car into shit then your a pretty bad driver. I hope you get the pride thinking ‘hell yeah I’m a good fuckin’ driver’ every time you hit a curb. There’s a difference between road racing and idiocy. The stickers tell it all.

It’s sad to see a brand new sick GTR fucked up like that, especially with all those stickers on it, you can tell that whoever owns it has a mind of a 5 year old as that’s what those stickers look like. If your going to smash it up, at least don’t disgrace it any more then you’ve disgraced yourself. And if you can’t agree with me on that I hope that next time you buy a brand new sports car you drive it into a forest and be proud of yourself for it.

I lol’d.

hes a bad ass if anyone else differs shutup

lmao, there you go with the forearm business!:rolleyes:

that GTR definitely is messed now but I believe he put on those sticker things to try and throw off the brunt of all that damage so it wouldn’t throw off people “too” much haha.

LOL, I highly doubt it.
The GTR has sooo many driver error correction controlls that it practically drives itself. You just go along for the ride.
It probably sensed that its owner was a jackass, and attempted to end itself.

And Red Line;

I’m just doing what I do best bwahaha:eek:

That’s just gay… waste of a car and waste of a driver.

This looks like something out of Pro Street :S
I guess money can’t buy taste

its funny how everyone jumped to the conclusion that he messed up the car. what if someone just hit him. and f’d his shit up.

who cares… his car… im sure he can easily afford getting it fixed… big deal.


I’ll second that, I’d drive that car hard enough to make my neck sore at the end of the day - but never would I or any other respectable driver I know put THAT car in harms way