New guy here

Welcome dude! :clap

yea like you could help.

Rear-mount turbo accord||||||WAT||

:wtf im not a honda fag, so no…i cant

Stick to your fat girls.

haha, I bet. Its not like I’m into it a whole lot of money. $450 at most, and most of the shit I could use for a normal turbo setup anyways. Basically other than the remote oiling system, which I have other uses for, it could easily become a normal engine bay mounted setup with the addition of a new exhaust manifold and downpipe.

go crawl back into your backpack ya prick

hahahahahhahahahaha achou bigbody

sorry sorry Big boned.

welcome. goin to need that fire suit pronto, sir

For new member hazing? Can’t be worse than one of the other forums I’m on.

oh man thats nothing

Well aware. On RHMT, we run noobs off the site it we don’t like them. Banhammer wednesday awaits those who don’t follow the simple rules regarding noobs.