New guy with a Scooby from Saratoga

Welcome man! Diggin the forester! DUMP IT OUT!!!

ill disregard my hatred for the canadians on this one… haha welcome, nice pup

Thx dumping it is the plan!

haha I get some canadian hate every day people recognize my sexy accent eh?

Welcome! Fellow Canuck…:rofl

Why do you move here, if you don’t mind me asking…

Im a part owner with my girlfriend and dad of a restaurant in saratoga and we brought a Canadian/quebec special dish that you guys probably have heard of or not… and were 95% sure of being at the race track this summer selling some good old Poutine (google it) its orgasmic.

Hell yeah there’s definitely a few guys here that have dabbled with the poutine. So bad, but so gooooood.

sweet! yeah its not the healthiest thing in the world but once in a while dosent hurt , glad to hear you guys have had some.

Welcome, I also drive a black wagon (dont let the name confuse you…)

And your dog is AWESOME, my gf loves those.

Sick wagon! Btw dogs name is Turbo

every time I go up to Plattsburgh I have to get Poutine. Sometimes you can find some decent Poutine in VT as well.

if you are in saratoga stop by at shirleys on 74 west ave , we have 4 awsome kinds of poutine best shit you ever ate.

saw you driving around and then pulling into the restaurant about 30 minutes ago… car looks very clean

Plenty of Americans love it in Plattsburgh so you should do well with it down that way too.

thank you! honnestly it could use a nice compound!

Good to know! we figured if it so popular back home it would work here also.

4 kinds of poutine? Maybe I’ll have to stop on for some fuel before biking next time I’m up there haha!