New Guy

After a lot of research and browsing I found the car I wanted. Just purchased a 2007 WRX. Found the color and body style I was looking for. Let me know what you guys think. If anyone is from the Schenectady area let me know if you want to get together for a drive. Thanks :thumbup

pics pics pics!!!

this man is an officer of the law. no doubt about it.

we dont drive our cars officer. just work on them. half of them don’t even have motors.

move along plz.

Probably stands for Staff Sergeant dumbass.

it says shields.


we’re all fucked.

hide your unmentionables.

Ever think maybe it was his last name? SSGT stands for Staff Sergeant.

Hide them in your anus.

Welcome to the forum, man. I have a Subaru as well, and lived in Sch’dy up until a month ago.

My last name is Shields, and SSGT is my rank.

nice ride, just picked up an 06 wrx myself about a month ago. I’m down in schenectady once a week for some wings and trivia but thats about the only time i’m down that way.

Nice color, my neighbor has a WRX in the same color. Fun cars

Cossey you’re like some kind of genius.

More like Benny is some kind of stoned retard. LOL

Welcome home bro! Time to have some fun again. :thumbup

You guys are retarded :facepalm

Thanks bro. Afghanistan sucked. It was my second tour there. How’s the car treating you? Later

More pics.

acting all paranoid and shit.

omgz the fuzz!!!1!! :ohnoes:facepalm

Good looking car! What branch are you in?

Thanks. I’m in the Air Force.

Hell, all we need now is a jarhead or two and we could have our own “Military Meet”!

<-Army SGT