New guy


hmmm only 100 whp on a boosted one? if i remember correctly the stock ones put down 90-100 hp

I was so close myself to boosting one of mine…ugh i should have…




apparently I forgot to post a pic of my car in my haste last night…

So yeah I don’t actually have my car right now because I got rear ended by some idiot on the thruway in Syracuse the Sunday after thanksgiving. I was stopped in traffic, the car behind me was also stopped… both for a good 10-15 seconds and then BAM the idiot smashed into the woman behind me (with her 6 and 8 year old daughters in the car) and her car jumped and smashed into my liftgate (not my bumper).

I just found out today from his (idiot who is at fault in the accident) insurance company that they dropped his policy early in the summer because he wasn’t paid up. Now I’m seriously effed. --and very angry.

I found that out today from my mom who was calling me because she also got rear ended while stuck in traffic today --but back home in CT. It gets better though, because she was also rear ended by a car with NY plates --a state gov’t vehicle at that.

And they didn’t carry insurance paperwork in the car (they said that was normal, that they didn’t need to because it was a gov’t car?).

my mom was on her way to get surgery done on her back at the time :’( and the idiot woman behind her hit the gas right before the light was going to turn green (WTF).

so yeah please don’t mind me if I go off on a tirade about awful new york drivers. I mean no offense, and clearly on a site full of car enthusiasts we’re all likely better drivers than that. I just know my insurance company said if I was permanently here in Rochester and not just here for RIT my insurance would be MUCH higher because of drastically increased accident rates. I didn’t believe them at the time…

but with this in February from some jackass who failed to stop while I was going straight on East River Road:
(luckily my summer CF hood pictured in the above post was off for winter)

and this happening on the 25th of last month:

I have really lost what little faith I had in the driving ability of the average new yorker.

again sorry for the rant. I’m just in a lot of pain right now (9 days after the accident) and to find out that my mom got rear ended and the idiot who caused my accident doesn’t have any insunrance… I’m just not really happy.

plus the fact that I get emo when it snows (I can tolerate cold to an extent but snow is just miserable) lol

Clearly your car is trying to be put out of it’s misery.

basically. it just won’t happen though, I can’t let it :slight_smile:

to get another car I’d need a job and that would suck right now

So harsh Mike :stuck_out_tongue:

That sucks to hear kansei :frowning:

is ok I know him from another forum :slight_smile:

suicide bombing Honda Accords more like it though… the accord is pretty visible in the most recent accident pic…

you can see the earlier accord in this other pic from that accident scene:

You know of me, you dont know me.


Greetings… And it looks like fate > Mazda lately…

welcome fellow mazda enthusiast


Boosted wagons, are lame.

Sucks about the accident though. Hopefully it will be back soon. :wave:

Welcome Aboard, immortal one :wave:

good to see you’re still around… that’s some bad car luck you’re having.

car looks / looked sweet. :tup: welcome aboard.

is that a mazdaspeed protege swap?

i also see a corksport downpipe nice



Awww shit, I see a Croc…suddenly this picture makes all the sense in the world. Welcome. Almost bought a P5 a while back, but went with different grocery getter.

bahahahaha no it’s all good. She wasn’t at fault in the accident, idiot behind her was (who as it turns out gave false insurance info to the state police and now Travelers (my insurance co as well as that of the accord lady) has to sue the idiot to cover our cars and medical costs.

She was wearing them because she is an EMT. At least that was her excuse.

She gave me a ride from Syracuse (or near syracuse… at a different camera angle at that same position you can see the lockheed martin plant) back here too so I’m really thankful :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure nobody in here drives a 2008 Chevy Malibu but I need to vent… omg why is it so bad?

For the first time in history my roommates and I have class schedules such that on some days we can carpool without massive inconvenience. One of my roommates drove yesterday, so I drove today. Aside from the fact that it took three tries and a running start in the garage to get out of the driveway (it has some weird cheapo bridgestones on it, which seems very unamerican so I almost think they aren’t stock --less than 9k miles on the car though so yeah), the rear passenger door wouldn’t close.

Nothing was iced up, the car had been sitting in the garage for almost 2 full days since it was last driven. The door opened fine, then you close it and … nothing. The latch just… doesn’t latch at all. My roommate had to sit in the back seat and hold the door close for the 6 mile drive to campus. I didn’t have time to really figure out what the hell is going on. I don’t know if I should deal with it or call Enterprise and make them swap the car. Right now if anyone wanted to the door can just be pulled open with no effort.

I’m afraid that if I call them they’ll swap me for a much, much worse car, i.e. a G5 or cobalt. The Malibu is really low quality but at least it isn’t pretending to be a sporty car or anything.

now I need to find a Malibu forum to see if there’s a quick fix for this aside from tying a rope between the two rear doors. No matter what the car thinks the door is ajar though. I played with the latch mechanism with a key and if I pretend like I’m the bar going into the latch it does lock around it and the only way to release it is pulling the door handle, everything at least seems totally normal.