New Home Addition: Puppy :)

Well yesterday my wife and I picked up a little boy from the local dog pound. He is a little Golden / Yellow Lab mix. His name is “Mater” like the Tow Truck from the movie Cars.

He is just about the most calm chill dog I’ve ever seen.

Cell phone picts…

Should grow up to look something like this guy.

nice puppy! they’re very polite and cute for a couple days, then he’ll start driving you crazy with puppy energy.

hah, they are only calm for a few months at best…just wait

Retrievers FTW though, they are the best dogs

Sweet dog, can’t wait til im on my own with my own house so i can buy my own dog too!

handsome pup… reminds me of my nephew :frowning:

so very true!


nice pup.

cars is an awesome movie.

Thanks all!

Cars is a great movie! My wife and I like it entirely too much. lol

Mater? As in Tuhmater? :stuck_out_tongue: Cute pup. Socialize the FUCK out of him now. :tup:

My grandparents had two goldens, both my aunts have had goldens…They are very well behaved and awesome dogs…Congrats!


my one dog wasnt socialized very much when she was young and now she gets attitude around other dogs…my puppy we socialized from day one…plays soo much better with other dogs…around us

which dog pound you got it from?

Well I live north of Houston Tx, if you know the area specifically The Woodlands Tx. There is a county shelter on rt 242 & 45.

Their site is

I have a golden pup that is now a year and a half. Great tip on the socializing aspect, make sure you get them used to loud noises. I would play with her during thunder storms and take her to local auto x when she was a pup. She still gets sketchy but it is better then most.

This was a very bad weekend. Sunday evening Mater started to shake a little so I took care of him, washed him up and took him to see his mom (my wife) at the airport (she was out of town and just coming home). We took him to the vet Monday morning and they said he had a virus that effected his nervous system. So we took him home and loved him all we could. He cried and shook all night. We had to put him down this morning. I buried him behind the garage with his turtle, his ducky and a bone.

RIP little buddy.

Wow not what I expected to hear coming into this thread again. I’m sorry for your loss. :frowning:

i’m so sorry :frowning: he was a cute puppy…i would def look into going to a holistic vet because my puppy has seizures and they said that it could be from the shots and flee collars that he was given when he was little. did they say anything that it could be caused from a vaccine that they gave him?
we’ve been cooking him real food, giving him real raw bones and he gets acupuncture and he’s been a lot better, just something to think about if you ever want a new puppy…and if you get a chance look at the ingredients in puppy food…its not good for them. but again i’m sorry for your loss :frowning:


oh man. horrible stuff

Jesus Christ. I’m really sorry to hear, Josh. :frowning: