new house in San Diego (many pics)

Damn, the view is pretty solid…

Good shit, I dunno how you deal with roads that steep though. With an area as pretty as that I’d want to walk around without needing rock-climbing gear.

nice place man

reminds me of weeds. cool place minus the small bedroom.

bedroom is a decent size, just couldn’t get good pics. i think i’m taking over the 2nd master bedroom though cause the kid doesn’t want to pay haha

If you dont mind, what does a place like this go for out there if one was to Buy a place similar? Rent?

More than you can afford, pal.
Rent is a lot more realistic

LOL… I quit drinking.

WTF did Chi-town do to you LOL

I have a telephone interview with a company in socal.

This makes me a little more nervous.

I want to ride my bike down that sweet hill.

i asked the one kid when i moved in, they had it appraised a few months ago and it was going for $850, 000

its amazing to me the difference in housing costs between here and there

LOL, Greg has quit drinking twice a week for the last 10 years

well the driveway is small…want to buy a snowblower :gotme:

looks nice guy

I wonder what the difference in income is.

well i think BK starts at like 11or something

housing is really the only difference though. Other than that everything is just about even. The difference in income offsets the housing costs if you rent, not so much if you buy. Quality of life would be worth it to me though.

nice place, i love that view u have

yea the pay increase most people would see out here would not support the higher housing prices, and the price of that house would be much higher if it were closer to the city/beach.

but yea, if your renting there really isnt a huge increase in cost of living, if any, joe is spot on

You either have to be a baller or an idiot to buy a house in certain areas of San Diego right now. Renting is more than fine and if I go my whole life without owning a house I’d be fine with that, seeing as a house isn’t really an asset anymore anyway. Most jobs pay significantly higher out here, but if you’re a teacher or involved in social services in anyway you are better off in Buffalo.

Edited out my essay. I had no idea I typed that much.