New-ish Member

Yeah my thread may have gotten slightly out of hand lol.

welcome to the forum… Its pretty sweet here. you know if you’re a

and a


It is not completely out of hand until someone like me that has never met you starts posting random pictures of you. That’s when it gets out of hand fast.

And we all know you would never do that…

LOL yes I admit that would be getting a little out of hand, you don’t have random pictures of me do you??? LOL just don’t post any nudes if you have them, these guys don’t want to see my small boobs

It’s all about the ass anyways.

Im pretty sure thats


IanK likes anything under 90 pounds.

Mike Bueme likes anything under 15 years old.

Yes, smart man :slight_smile:


IanK likes to have brusies on his sex lines from hip bones.

Ashley - You where warned early.

Chris - you have a FB and your not my friend :frowning:

I wake up with bruises I dont have a clue how they got there. Its like fucking skelator.

Hey welcome. Is ur bf the kid who scammed Tim on his bike? If so I say cheat away bring him the herp.

if you guys are gonna bitch and provide us with some entertainment at least fill us in on the back story.

Welcome … i randomly facebook stalked you last week (no idea why) …

PS … little boobs are great …

good luck here

God the things I’d love to say, how ever I’ll leave it to Ashley seems like ur hated here. Ur bf is a coward and A liar. End of story

Post on that jackass FB group Buffalo Sport Riders to not buy my bike? Why? Because it’s 100% in running order, perfect condition and well priced?

Listen you snaggle toothed, home wrecking, gutter whore. If you want to start drama (because we all know you do), then step up your game because I can very well make your life a living hell.

Tell your precious, deadbeat boyfriend that he better control his pig faced skunt girlfriend.

do you like kids?

Edit … I’m pretty upset I’m following ^^^that guys post, as mine may be overlooked …


