New kid from Monroeville

hey dbag. My mom is dead and i never met my father so go fuck yourself on the bs where you think my mom bought me my car. I pay monthly payments on that “fake bentley” that is worth 500x your truck and have my own house which i pay bills in every month. I dont live off my parents or off the government. I work for my shit. Also you do drive around in first all the time… At least when you drive through miracle mile. Nice job tonight screaming you hit 2nd when you drove bye . Im happy you were able to find it. Also we do say shit everytime you drive by revving out 1st or attempting to burn tire out of a parking spot. I was up there and someone asked you politely if you had a second gear, and you got a cocky ass attitude with them. Your truck is kind of clean for how old it is i will give you that. But you put a fart can on it and it takes away from any value it might of had. We guys in the middle talk shit because you guys give miracle mile a bad name.

buy one get one for 69 cents