New kid from Monroeville

you seek automotive knowlege eh?
wisdom comes with age, it doesn’t come any other way.
another way to look at it is, we only learn through pain or loss.

when i was your age i would buy all the magz on the shelf that had info
pertaining to my make/modle and dove in head first.
good luck in all your future endeavourse.


^truth^ and welcome

welcome…lots of reading should be done before you begin to play with any car. 16 is a bit young but as long as you try to use your head and think things through before you do them I’m sure all will end well.

op, do you have different wheels on that 240 for summer? i saw a clean red nissan on 22 out by the mall with bronze/gold rims, immediately thought it was you but wasnt sure.

Nope, unfortunately. My knowledge so far does not include knowing how to purchase wheels/tires based on specifications. I’ll get there eventually. And yes, I’ve been reading on every Nissan forum possible…lol thanks everyone.

what limits are they exceeding,

and welcome, dont rice it out. get some nice 5spoke wheels and coilovers. TRUE coilovers…

welcome, coils, rims and a sr20 and your good to go

the limit of how shitty your truck can be and still think its sick. There is only like 1 nice s10 and 1 diesel that is ok. Other than that there is like 30 other shitty trucks with stickers and exhausts. There is this one kid in a old ass green nissan 4 cyl that drives everywhere it sounds like in first gear. Its quite rediculous,

Welcome. You picked up a nice 240, congrats.

Damn, I haven’t been up the mile in acouple years. Wonder if the crew I know still even hangs there?


hahah i think I know the truck you’re talking about, he lives a couple streets down from me.

nice car… i got a 93 s13 super hiaca. definately hope i run into you in monroeville…

hey dickhead, yeah i drive around having fun with my friends, what else do 17 yr olds do, sorry my truck is not wannabe bentley that my mom bouught me. ya it needs work. but its all i got, it may be old but its in the best condition for that year with 227,509 miles on it. it may be 4cyl but thats cuz i dont need a gas hog. if you got something to say say it to my face not on a fucking forum. im tired of you guys thinking everyone else is gay but you. i dont got a problem with the rest of the guys up there but i can tell something crawled up your ass. and for your info i dont drive in first dumbass. ya your car may be fast but i dont give a shit. this is the bullshit you guys talk about cuz you think your cool. quit being an asshole. later. hardbody96

good shit, beat his ass seabass

I like nissan pickups but take it easy.

it just pisses me off, i didnt say shit or do shit to him, by all meens he can shove his car up his ass, im just a kid making a living with what i got

That is dandy, but who the fuck are you referring too.

the dude that said shit about me, bigmack, the dude with the 300c

Oh, never heard of him. continue on…