new kid from south hills.


the kid is 17, let him be

tough love mother fucker. What the fuck is wrong with Pittspeed? Bunch of yellow pansy ass pussies. There was a day when 15 people would have been on the kid like white on rice. Now, you’re trying to condone his faggotry?

I feel sick.

welcome but you sound kind of bitter towards people with better stuff. yeah there are spoiled people but there are also people that are appriciative of what is given to them. people love to give you that " i worked for everything i have" like they go home and jerk off about it.

would u PLEASE get out of 1997 !!:booty:



Agreed. I’ve chamged a few. Also coil packs fail often on Quad 4’s & Twin cam 2.4’s


thanks everyone, the only thing to fail so far, is the FPR, which i actually have in my hand :wink: hopefully getting to that tomarrow.

i’m sorry if i came off that way, i don’t feel as if i am, maybe i am, i just don’t see it. I see what your saying, i said that more to show that i’m not one to be or act spoiled. but when i meant to much in the OP, i meant to a point of “i didn’t work for it, so i’m going to beat it to shit.” kinda of mentality that i see in 98% of my friends.

Kudos on that attitude, but I can assure you, no one thought you were spoiled driving around that beast.

i think what he is doing is a great thing. im in the same boat. He is learning with a POS and having fun doing it. now if 1 of his buddys want neons on the Audi their dad bought them he can do it for them and get a couple bucks. having fun with your car is all that matters not winning races or making it look like every other ricer out there. just cause you care so much what everyone else thinks makes you a posser so stfu

thanks, iced. we just weren’t lucky enough to be #1 from birth.


Lucky ?

Our parents Perfected us after the first.


Welcome, :bigthumb:

I’m sorry, but who the fuck are you again and why are you trying to defend this faggot ricer?

You didn’t even come out of the #1 hole. I don’t give a fuck that you don’t have money or experience (at anything, including life you little high school douchebag). And you’re right, if you want to make your car into a giant fucking joke by trying to hop on a bandwagon that was uncool a week after it started… 10 YEARS AGO… then by all means go right ahead. The world needs people to pump gas and pick up garbage… and build cars for the rest of us to point and laugh at.

they both make me wish I had a time machine and a pack of metal coat hangers.

if you are going to make fun of cars like his and my olds look at these.
3.1L turbo charged oldsmobile that will smoke your ricers
and another oldsmobile that looks better then any civic in existance

A turbo’d 3.1 :rofl:. An Olds Ciera called ‘Warhorse’ :rofl:

Iced Peepee, you are a homo. Please go away.

ahahhahahahahahahah pee peee:weak:

Is this guy serious?

hahahaha im sorry i cant handle these replys there too funny hhahahahhahaha:rofl:
