new look for my LTR

got new graphics for my LTR. now it matches the RMZ.great xmas gift:embarassd



funny guy, as always. and youve ridden a bike made in the last 10yrs, to judge what fast is?

indeed i have.

You still have the ltr? I’m putting mine up for sale!!

nice look bro, I like it

looks good ! !

ya i still have it. i like it, but dunno what im gonna do. kinda sick of having that and the RMZ w/o alot of time to ride. would like to maybe just focus on 1 mx machine and of course the R6. i dunno what im gonna do…lol. what r u selling for?

oh and btw i changed some stuff on the rmz since these pics were taken. lol. new shroud graphics (that i designed myself and had 343 Graphix print), new brakes and getting new wheels built over the winter.

what year R6?

  1. there is a pic of it in the street bike pic thread. love the bike so much. probably the best money ive ever spent.

What wheels are you getting built?

I’m itching for a NEMX rental. I think it’s going to be February.

i like biatch

i got a Pro Wheel setup (blk rims and new spokes) that i bought when i bought my new rotors and sprocket. i just wanted to wait til the winter to tear the rims down. i’m sure they will be done by Feb. i hope Pro Wheel rims dont suck, ive heard good and bad. i’m sure ill be casing shit when we go to NEMX cause ill be super rusty, so i guess we’ll find out how it holds up, the first time i ride it. lol

Thanks Laura:hsdance:

looking like i might have to sell the LTR. if anyone is interested pm me. ill make a for sale thread here when i get a chance.

i wish i had money…

I’ll pass the word for ya.

no more quad :frowning:

Woohoo pinger.

the LTR’s replacement will get its first action this weekend. ill try to get some pics and pics of Don’s first day back from injury