New look for NYS license plate revealed.


Officials say the new plate will bring in an expected $129 million in revenue over the next two years.


:wtf new york is really gay

NYS does indeed take it up the poopchute


This shit pisses me off…

Who the fuck is in charge of this shit, because they are undeniably retarded to the nth degree…

yea +1^^

and it looks absolutely retarded…if they want money from new plates you would think they could atleast come up with something that looks decent

WOW they look fucking horrible, but then again NYS doesnt give a dead moose’s last shit how their liscence plates looks they just want the $$$

heard about them from Pete and my dad a few months ago…oh well.

lol @ you guys complaining so much. It’s a license plate, everyone’s going to have the same one. And it’s not like they’re going to change it.

No what sucks is this will make my extra plates useless. So now I am going to get shit about having an unregistered car at my apartment. F U DMV


That is worse than VT lol

Nothing better than living in NY, you get repeatedly ass fucked and have to pay for it

Ugly as shit. More incentive to start running without a front plate. What an eyesore.

The white/blue looks halfway decent. Where the hell did they get blue/yellow?

We want to be Michigan now, apparently…

Is there something for this online?

Can we sign it?

Spread the word on other NY sites!

I refuse. :eek3

It was blue/yellow before the liberty plate… back in early/mid 80’s. Was ugly then, its worse now. This could be grass roots issue. PLan on some custom nascar plate just to avoid that school bus yellow. State trooper colors

Actually, NY had blue/yellow plates quite a few years back…I have a couple hanging in my garage.

from the 70s


this is what we should have

But we’ve had the white design for a few decades now with the Red/White being around before the current blue/white.