New Matrix game

Has anyone been anticipating or has anyone tried the new Matrix game yet? Matrix Path of Neo is the name of the game. I wanna check it out because it is supposed to follow the movies pretty damn close. Plus you actually get to play as Neo in this one. If anyone has any input on how this is let’s hear it.

I watched someone play it at my store for 2 hours.

Look awesome for matrix fans and makes me want to watch the first movie.
Graphics could use some work tho
At least worth a rent

Anyone hear anything about gun???

Cool, I’ll have to go rent it. If it’s any good then… :snky: .

As far as Gun… I have only seen pics. Haven’t looked into. Probably another sweet game by Rockstar. I love those guys.

lol,im attempting to rip it to my PS2 as we speak.

Gun or Matrix Path of Neo?

i heard theres an alternate ending to revolutions at the end :X

Path of neo I just rented,its pretty sweet so far.You play along in sequence with the movie.

Can’t wait :tup:

Edit Post #300! :headbang:

already dling it…

yeah gun would be really good if it was made by rockstar…

but its made by neversoft (tony hawk guys)