New numbers and times coming soon.

ill just inhale them at stop lights

im going to be using a breather set up

not a good day for me. I exploded my driveshaft on a 68-7000rpm launch and had to get flatbedded home.

get any times out of it first? or was it the first run? sorry to hear about the driveshaft. was it a stock one. and i guess the next one wont be.

11.81@118.6 1.69 60’ I didn’t leave hard and shifted easy on first pass then it was going to be balls out the rest of the day but broke on 2nd pass and yes it is the stock ds and no the new one will not be stock.

i seen that pass against lou and seemed like you were dancing some on the shifts

at least i know my clutch grabs like a mofo now.

i was saying that to someoen. said his car has everything aftermarket but the ds and what do you think that went…the ds

thats the stock aluminum driveshaft right? cuz i have a steel one and wanted a lightweight ls1 shaft but heard they were kinda weak. 87TA broke a 3.5inch aluminum truck shaft on a hard launch…walls on that thing are sooo thin. 3inch aluminum vs 3inch steel. need to get 3.5inch aftermarket aluminum with better construction

Sorry about the driveshaft man, it was a good night at the track rental. I wish you would of left the slicks for me to try the et streets were not enough tire for me last night.

At least you didn’t flip your car like that other guy. Good luck next time man.

I didn’t see you there!! Did you see the stock shortblock H/C/I N/A 93 GT going 11.03@121? If you needed a tow I was there wth truck and trailer, the blazing yellow 2006 crwe cab superduty, I could have given you a tow. I did see Tommy there, he broke something in the tranny on his first run.

Thanks for the push! Darn “F” bodys,
Kinda funny, I was there less than hour and see 3 GM’s brake on a mostly ford day… may pull trans out tomorrow and fix, or just maybe race TA rest of year…

Was this you? :stick:

thats him

cool vid, kinda funny but really sucks that you broke the driveshaft…oh well, it needed upgraded anyway and is a easy fix

i don’t remember