New York is the California of the east coast. Ill stick to my Nevada of the east coast, Vermont.
I wouldn’t doubt that soon enough NYS goes to state run inspection stations like other states do, so its a bend you over and ream you hard for every little detail that could be faulty. The way laws are evolving, and they seem to want to play the “letter of the law” game… i wouldn’t put it past them. Its just like the gun bullshit, put the smack down year one with un-realistic laws with far fetched hope for results, then next year hit the GO button on phase 2 of the take it in the ass process.
They know full well that 90% of the inspection stations are lenient, they make all of what $10 or something for the 15 minutes of work they do now (skipping around cutting people breaks)… if you went by the letter of the book, i am willing to bet inspecting cars that pass with flying colors will waste your shops money. Its a cross your fingers for bad brakes or loose ball joints game to make money off that failed cars. If they state went to inspection stations, do you think they would give you a 15 day temp to fix it, or call it unsafe for the roads and impound your ass/offer to fix it at their shops?
$ = initiative
fuck no its pretty hard to fail a car for nysi, unless its got cords showing in the tires or a tire rod is loose but loose ball joints do not fail unless its broken off the car… atleast the cars i see i fail maybe 1% of cars that i inspect
Yeah but those are the quick n dirty things you look for to zip um in and zip um out.
bulbs out, cracked windshields, horns, rotted frames; there is a laundry list of other things that could fail… but it takes too long to comb through looking for them and nit pick.
put it this way, do you think nys will let someone skate through without a cat, like just about every member here has done? Nope, so do you think they will let other little details skate by?
My biggest gripe about NYS is sales tax of 8% on used cars. Biggest amount of bullshit on earth. I think Nevada flat sales tax is like $80 on a used car.
Makes me fucking rage.
This is why my fun cars will always be older than 25 years old. No bullshit to deal with then.
I will fail your dumpy ride for wiper blades, bro.