New NYS Plates

I was saying the same thing to someone. The white plates are much easier to read from a distance then the new yellow ones.

So… hideous… ugh. LOL YLW?

so i’m wondering, if when they force me to get new plates, i’m just gonna keep my front plate (which has never been on a car ever) and use that instead of the new ugly ones…can i get in trouble since it will still be registered and a valid plate number

There must be a way to use old plates because alot of old cars have the plates from when the cars were new and theyre considered valid plates.

ya but for those i think you have to have a certain age for the car and a certain year for the plate. idk. i’ll do it anyways and not research it and just deal with it when i get a ticket. :lol

Can you transfer custom plates from car to car? If you can, I’ll just transfer mine to my next car whenever that time comes instead of having to ‘re-sign up’ and get a yellow one.

I dont see why you couldnt transfer custom plates. I transferred the registration and plates from my last car to my truck so I dont see why you couldnt do the same.

Eventually though everybody is going to get the new plates like we did the last time.

you can just transfer your plates and as long as the white ones are still legal u can have it on your car

yes you can. i have done it multiple times, but that doesn’t mean they can’t tell u to turn in your old ones and they will give u new yellow ones with the same plate number.

They will give you shit because it’s supposed to be destroyed. But it’s a good idea, I might try it ha

You’ll probably get pulled all the time just to make sure that the registration is upto date, because having the old plate will make it seem like you haven’t registered after a certain date.

Legality of it however, I’m not sure on. Doesn’t sound like a bad plan, I can’t stand the new plate look.

I love the new plates and can not wait to rock one on the ugly.