new phones from verizon?


Verizon fails to deliver in the phone category.


I’m not saying their phones are the best, but I originally wasn’t referring to that, I edited my quote but lost it. However, if you want to talk about what the consumer looks for primarily in a phone : a phone that makes phone calls that works as many places as can be, well, then Verizon does not fail by any means.

That has been the only thing that keeps me buying a verizon phone the last few years, yes those are attractive looking phones but they usually lack features and convenience.

Explain to me what features are available (besides the obvious : GSM card swapping, 2 vid cameras in one phone for 2-way video chat not available in the US) with a GSM network that aren’t available on a non GSM network. Ohh, you don’t like the GUI navigation? Convenience? of what? Getting a workout when you have to raise and negotiate your phone around in your hand when looking for service to make a call? *see below

Their only good ones are windows mobile based (HTC ect.)

THAT statement was the statement I was referring to when I quoted you. You think the HTC is a good phone? Horrendous volume, sparse battery life, buggy Windows software. slow GUI = good phone? PS. before you start slandering me with “You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about” I had and still own one. You’ve obviously never really used a Blackberry either, because, those are total shit right? Their rock solid OS really sucks, and the fact that I could hear the conversation that I was having with the other person in a loud bar also blows monkey dick. Shit, I hate hearing the other person I talk to on the phone.

And what makes a “good phone” a good phone to you? just wondering.

Samsung/LG phones usually suck balls imho

IMHO, who the fuck cares how new and feature filled a phone is when it can’t make a phone call half the time?

A phone is just that first : a phone. Everything second. My e-mail is second. Check. Internet surfing is 3rd. Check. 3rd party apps like google maps, chat programs, RSA secure ID generator, Alarm clock, texas hold 'em, check.

Not all LG phone suck, you just don’t like them - if you want a shitty LG phone, pick the free one you get. What phone company do you like? I can pick a shitty phone made by them. I can pick lots of shitty phones made by them.

The reason why I didn’t want to give you any more to my answer is because I’ve said this about 1000 times before. Also, you pretty much have jack shit to back up anything you said either.

“IMO” doesn’t = something concrete to back up your statements.

And who said Cnet? LAFF.

  • lol